Surprise Your Valentine With a Bouquet From Jayne’s Florist

A white glass vase serves as a blank canvas for the floral artists at Jayne’s Florist as they handcraft the Lavish Opulence. The bouquet lives up to its name with a combination of two dozen long-stemmed red roses, a few pink-and-white Oriental lilies, and plenty of vibrant greenery.
Does it sound like something your Valentine would love? Place your order ASAP to get the masterpiece delivered to their doorstep in time for V-Day! Jayne’s Florist boasts many other romantic options, and there’s really something for everyone. If your special someone is a traditionalist, you can’t go wrong with a dozen long-stemmed roses. But if they’re a bit unconventional, the Blue Star Fern might be more up their alley! Place your order online or give the shop a call to discuss the options.
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